Babatunde Raimi Qutes

1.         Africa, the only place where civil servants are paid to look busy...

2.         Before you get married, check your checklist

3.         Break away from the bitter diatribes and wars between tribal, cultural, religious and political lines. That is the worst prison you can be caged in; a prison of your own creation

4.         By all means, if you are in love with another from another tribe, get married. Don't deny your generation the beauty of diversity and multi-culturalism.

5.         Corruption, Africa's greatest challenge

6.         Do not allow your degree degrade you. Settle into any legal job that empowers you regardless of its nature.

7.         Don't take decisions on sentiments, you'll bite your fingers

8.         Everything of value demands a cost. Show me a disciplined man, and I'll predict his future.

9.         Failure is a prove that you are doing something right, but you have not gotten it right.

10.       Get lost into good music, it is a potent vaccine to the soul.

11.       Go to school, learn a skill and get a life. A school does not have to be formal

12.       Have a meeting with yourself, are you where you are supposed to be?

13.       If I die poor, God will punish me

14.       If love was enough to get married, we'll have lesser divorce and single parents today.

15.       If you don't have a life insurance, you have a major investment missing in your investment portfolio

16.       If you want to be really blessed, never forget the vehicle you rode.

17.       If you want to leave lasting legacies and build empires that will outlive you, follow the process, not the money.

18.       if you want your business to outlive you for generations to come, show your partners, successors and employees 'The why' not the money'.

19.       If your children don't see you as their role model, check yourself

20.       In Africa, we are been mis-schooled. Education without a skill is like a farmer without tools

21.       It is easy to give birth to 99 children, but the probability of having a successor is like playing in a world football cup final

22.       It is good to marry early, but it is best to marry right.

23.       It is good to marry early, but it is best to marry right.

24.       It is good to marry early, but it is best to marry right

25.       It takes a person of vision to take a dream to fruition.

26.       Laziness is a curse.

27.       Life is good. Just forget your worries and laugh them off...

28.       Marriage is life a divine institution. It is not a competition of any sort. Don't submit to marital pressure

29.       My fear for Africa is not corruption, but that we are fast loosing our culture for which our values that defines us were foundated upon.

30.       My greatest motivation is on living before I leave.

31.       No union is perfect, but when you find the one, even weathering the storms of life becomes funfare

32.       One day, your children will ask you why? Are you ready for tomorrow? It suddenly comes.

33.       Only weak people allow themselves to be pressured into marriage.

34.       Only you can liberate yourself from the oppressions of poverty

35.       Pay the price now, they will work for you later.

36.       Pen it down, even if you forget, you'll never forget

37.       Poetry is a bridge that connects me to you; you to me and us to the world.

38.       Poetry is to the soul what 'good' music is to mind.

39.       Retirement planning starts from your first income, not a few years to retirement.

40.       Sex is not enough to get married

41.       Singleness is not a curse but a phase to be enjoyed. It is a time to make mistakes and discover the you in you.

42.       Sometimes, just sometimes when God wants to bless a union, HE makes one of them a Poet.

43.       That you fathered a child does not make you a father

44.       The best way to slay is to imprint your name on the sands of time with pens of diamond.

45.       The greatest love is sacrifice

46.       The sudden increase on single motherhood can also be traced to irresponsible partners

47.       They come in a season, trust me it is for a reason.

48.       To pull Africa out of her economic, social and political doldrums, we need to invest in educating our people. We need to teach our people their rights, duties and obligations and thereafter harness new and existing human resource to pull her out of an imminent depression and second slavery.

49.       True legends never die, they translate because their legacies echoes till eternity to the benefit of mankind. They are forever remembered, quoted and eulogised.

50.       Until you see yourself as a Salesman, you cannot fully maximize your potentials.

51.       Virginity is good; good character is best...

52.       We can only grow if we consciously and intentionally grow and build our human resources

53.       What we call African time is foolish man's time. Time is not money, time is life. When you waste time, you are not wasting money, you are wasting life.

54.       When an overripe mango remains on a tree, it becomes a subject of mockery...

55.       When I lost my fear, I found purpose.

56.       When you explore your creative mind, there will no limit to what you can achieve.

57.       When you master your emotions, you will conquer the world.

58.       Whereas music awakens your mind, poetry permeates your soul.

59.       With your children, leas from the front

60.       Without God, I am worthlessly worthless.

61.       Without succession 'why', succession plan will be a charade. it is the why, in the midst of myriads of adversities that fuels, propels and sustains the vision towards achieving its vision through clearly defined mission with intentionality.

62.       You are not God, your words are not immutable.

63.       You can miss your mark and still hit your mark. Just stay focused and disciplined.


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